How to work with Estimate
To work with Estimate
If you write an estimate or a bid, you can create a report that compare your estimated costs and revenues against your actual costs and revenues.
From the Reports menu, you have to choose the Job & Time tab and then choose one of these reports:
Job estimates vs. actuals summary - This report subtotals your cost and revenue data by customer and job.
Job estimates vs. actuals detail - This report includes all of the jobs that have estimates and all line items on all invoices for those jobs.
Job progress invoices vs. estimates - This report compares each estimate with progress invoices based on the estimate. You cannot QuickZoom to see detail for the amounts shown. To see the detail, you have to find the most recent invoice for the job and click Progress Detail.
Item estimates vs. actuals - This reports also shows cost and revenue data, but subtotals it by item type.
You can click on the Estimate tab from the Customers menu.
After that you will see this image as shown below.
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